David Cohen, America's Naturopathic Doctor,
Hosts the Technology Health Route
You've reached the web's most extensive naturopathic website, the Technology Health Route,
which may qualify it as the internet's healthiest website. That is left to you..
Filled with your healthiest and wealthiest shortcuts and secrets of those who do better.
Imagine a medical doctor hosting over a hundred free health-related websites! Not anytime soon, we think.
The Technology Health Route is HUGE -- IE users: Tap any letter, number or character (even upper-case) on your keyboard for more Technology Health Route
Dr. David Cohen, ND, PhD, MH, CNC, widely-known as one of America's greatest naturopaths,
is pleased to host many, many hundreds of these healthiest websites, including the Technology Health Route,
filled with your best health tips for living stronger for longer... naturally
If your health has not responded to "conventional" treatment, feel free to call this extraordinarily effective naturopath.
Despite the growing attention of Dr. Cohen's work throughout several countries,
callers may speak with Dr. Cohen by calling 1 (718) 627-7272
Stop allowing others to run your life.
Even when we work for other people, we still have quite a few personal hours per week,
hours that belong exclusively to you and your dreams and the music inside you.
For crying out loud, stop letting other people step on your dreams!
There is more inside of you; much more.
The Technology Health Route hopes you bring more out in healthy, natural ways.
The Technology Health Route is free because it's already inside of you.
Here, we just try to nudge a bit more from your untapped inner potential.
The Plan For Living Success is used to open the doors that await your entrance.
If it's only two of those discretionary hours per week, USE THEM PROFITABLY!
Whether it's a personal interest, family, community, or gneerating income,
those one hundred or more minutes per week will pay you plenty,
in fact, if you actually enjoy what you in those minutes,
they will most likely provide you with more than...
are you ready for this? ... no exaggeration:
those discretionary minutes are very inclined
to bring you more than all your other hours... combined!
Writing essays, poems, or books, hand-crafting with art,
singing, improving the lives of other people who have less than you:
there is no known limit. WHATEVER you do with passion pays you off the most.
It's a perfect rule of life, in comfortable symmetry with your rules of the Universe,
or as the more pragmatic among you might realize, the physical laws of Isaac Newton.
FACT: What you know means little and produces less to those around you and yourself.
What you DO with what you know fascinates us. Do more with what you know.
The returns are fast and many.
The Plan For Living Success loves you.
As a result, so does the Technology Health Route !
Psst. Tap any letter or number on your keyboard. Is that great, or what?
Today is, without a doubt, the most powerful day of your life.
There are only three days in your life: yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Yesterday is history, and we cannot get better yesterday, right?
Tomorrow is a mystery, and we may not be here for tomorrow.
That leaves today, the only day in which you can live.
Therefore, live more in this moment, in this day.
Reduce your petty conversations and collect,
collecting thousands of wasted minutes,
that you may live more and better.
Look into YOUR Plan For Living Success
Return to the top of this Plan For Living Success page
Delicious designs is what we seek,
for delicious designs offer a peek,
into the delicious designs of the soul,
what makes us delicious, what helps make us whole.
Delicious designs are the phrase of the day,
you know delicious designs chase the blues away.
If we are first for "delicious designs,
let us take it as deliciously Divine.
For, all the delicious designs we might taste,
and all the delicious designs that we waste,
can be the delicious designs that we paste,
when delicious designs are produced with great haste.
You see, delicious designs come from God-knows-where,
which is why delicious designs show He Cares.
The delicious designs that we deign to feign,
are not the delicious designs of my game.
Most delicious designs that come with great speed,
are produced with that urgent, pressure of need.
Delicious designs take me where I should go,
and all of the places that I hope to grow.
Delicious Designs can be its own land,
where everyone grows up in a merry band,
where delicious designs deliver the goods,
and we no longer need to live out in the woods.
Reach for delicious designs where you are,
grab them with gusto today,
and you'll find in short time,
that you're one of a kind,
When delicious designs come your way.
Live your own perception of the Technology Health Route.
Extend and embrace your own version of the Plan For Living Success.
All in all, you will find yourself duplicating the efforts AND the results of the masters,
the masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires who show the rest by being the best.
Please remember that one hundred percent of the people who say you cannot do it...
are people who have never done it themselves.
There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this.
The Plan For Living Success is about and for people who say they can.
Someone smarter than both of us put together had a great saying:
"People who say they can, and people who say they cannot... are right."
So, you've been up for nearly two days, worrying yourself silly,
anxious to know how big the Plan For Living Success is. Let's fix that:
You'll find that the Plan For Living Success is the biggest website ever created,
at least the biggest website from one pair of hands and no auto-generated pages..
Literally thousands of colors just in the food button areas alone, to please, specifically, you.
Now beyond a million splendiferously magnificently interactive and unique pages,
all to help you to help yourself. The biggest website for success shortcuts,
surely the biggest website for health and natural healing information,
and the biggest website for 911day tribute photographs,
the biggest website for Shapelinks, and that's not all!
Yep. The Plan For Living Success is also the world's biggest website,
and hopefully the most exciting and empowering, to include EyeCandy.
Tens of thousands of delicious, unique bits of digital art from MisterShortcut,
your friendly neighborhood Godfather of EyeCandy, deliverer of universal shortcuts.
One pleasingly delicious note here is that you can start on any one of a million pages!
That's right, far more than a million unique pages just to find something to tickle your fancy.
Throwing enough at the wall increases the likelihood that some or more of it will stick. Throw again.
This is YOUR lifetime. It is to your advantage for you to use your most exciting and empowering approaches.
You can have enormous skills and knowledge. They are unproductive until they are used many times for good.
The more times you do something with that high focus, the more times your aim proves to be accurate.
The Plan For Living Success aspires to be the relentless alarm clock for YOUR success.
Striving to be your Biggest website of exciting and empowering interactivity.
Welcome to the Plan For Living Success,
the world's most exciting, empowering, delicious website.