masters & millionaires... ... a mere one percent increase... ... at accelerated speeds. The methods and words you will use are brought by the mouths of 5,200 masters, millionaires, and billionaires... ...interviewed one at a time. You can no longer say that you can't or don't know how to make your dream come true. At a book or more per day for more than 40 years, Mister-Shortcut has read more than any human in history, ![]() ![]() |
Make This Your Homepage - Change It Weekly 1,000,000 unique web pages, the Plan For Living Success © EasyStreet, USA by Mister-Shortcut All rights reserved for those who feed starving humans. For now, you can feed people with two free clicks ![]() How do you adequately acknowledge the huge impact of a Paul Newman? Here's a man who earned an "extra" hundred and twenty-five million dollars, called it profit, and invested all those profits into feeding the planet's starving. What a living exemplar of the Plan For Living Success, a hero's hero. The name Paul Newman will resound for generations to come. Not bad for a once-failing appliance salesman, one who understood the pain of deprivation, who lived his own Plan For Living Success. |
Inhale the Plan For Living Success once or twice each day.
Take only the PowerGems that help you see what's inside of you,
waiting to be displayed to the world through the display of your best.
Your best has little to do with money or looks or education or circumstance.
The best in you is based quite close to exclusively to your chosen effort levels.
It is your turn to discount extrinsic influence and focus from the inside out, now.
Tomorrow is a whole new story. Getting your first step out of the way is your ticket.
Move into your own Plan For Living Success mode and see your accelerated results.
David Cohen, America's Naturopathic Doctor,
Hosts the Technology Health Route
You've reached the web's most extensive naturopathic website, the Technology Health Route,
which may qualify it as the internet's healthiest website. That is left to you..
Filled with your healthiest and wealthiest shortcuts and secrets of those who do better.
Imagine a medical doctor hosting over a hundred free health-related websites! Not anytime soon, we think.
The Technology Health Route is HUGE -- IE users: Tap any letter, number or character (even upper-case) on your keyboard for more Technology Health Route
Dr. David Cohen, ND, PhD, MH, CNC, widely-known as one of America's greatest naturopaths,
is pleased to host many, many hundreds of these healthiest websites, including the Technology Health Route,
filled with your best health tips for living stronger for longer... naturally
If your health has not responded to "conventional" treatment, feel free to call this extraordinarily effective naturopath.
Despite the growing attention of Dr. Cohen's work throughout several countries,
callers may speak with Dr. Cohen by calling 1 (718) 627-7272
Stop allowing others to run your life.
Even when we work for other people, we still have quite a few personal hours per week,
hours that belong exclusively to you and your dreams and the music inside you.
For crying out loud, stop letting other people step on your dreams!
There is more inside of you; much more.
The Technology Health Route hopes you bring more out in healthy, natural ways.
The Technology Health Route is free because it's already inside of you.
Here, we just try to nudge a bit more from your untapped inner potential.
The Plan For Living Success is used to open the doors that await your entrance.
If it's only two of those discretionary hours per week, USE THEM PROFITABLY!
Whether it's a personal interest, family, community, or gneerating income,
those one hundred or more minutes per week will pay you plenty,
in fact, if you actually enjoy what you in those minutes,
they will most likely provide you with more than...
are you ready for this? ... no exaggeration:
those discretionary minutes are very inclined
to bring you more than all your other hours... combined!
Writing essays, poems, or books, hand-crafting with art,
singing, improving the lives of other people who have less than you:
there is no known limit. WHATEVER you do with passion pays you off the most.
It's a perfect rule of life, in comfortable symmetry with your rules of the Universe,
or as the more pragmatic among you might realize, the physical laws of Isaac Newton.
FACT: What you know means little and produces less to those around you and yourself.
What you DO with what you know fascinates us. Do more with what you know.
The returns are fast and many.
The Plan For Living Success loves you.
As a result, so does the Technology Health Route !
Psst. Tap any letter or number on your keyboard. Is that great, or what?
Return to the top of this Plan For Living Success page
Today is, without a doubt, the most powerful day of your life.
There are only three days in your life: yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Yesterday is history, and we cannot get better yesterday, right?
Tomorrow is a mystery, and we may not be here for tomorrow.
That leaves today, the only day in which you can live.
Therefore, live more in this moment, in this day.
Reduce your petty conversations and collect,
collecting thousands of wasted minutes,
that you may live more and better.
Look into YOUR Plan For Living Success
Delicious designs is what we seek,
for delicious designs offer a peek,
into the delicious designs of the soul,
what makes us delicious, what helps make us whole.
Delicious designs are the phrase of the day,
you know delicious designs chase the blues away.
If we are first for "delicious designs,
let us take it as deliciously Divine.
For, all the delicious designs we might taste,
and all the delicious designs that we waste,
can be the delicious designs that we paste,
when delicious designs are produced with great haste.
You see, delicious designs come from God-knows-where,
which is why delicious designs show He Cares.
The delicious designs that we deign to feign,
are not the delicious designs of my game.
Most delicious designs that come with great speed,
are produced with that urgent, pressure of need.
Delicious designs take me where I should go,
and all of the places that I hope to grow.
Delicious Designs can be its own land,
where everyone grows up in a merry band,
where delicious designs deliver the goods,
and we no longer need to live out in the woods.
Reach for delicious designs where you are,
grab them with gusto today,
and you'll find in short time,
that you're one of a kind,
When delicious designs come your way.
Live your own perception of the Technology Health Route.
Extend and embrace your own version of the Plan For Living Success.
All in all, you will find yourself duplicating the efforts AND the results of the masters,
the masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires who show the rest by being the best.
Please remember that one hundred percent of the people who say you cannot do it...
are people who have never done it themselves.
There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this.
The Plan For Living Success is about and for people who say they can.
Someone smarter than both of us put together had a great saying:
"People who say they can, and people who say they cannot... are right."
So, you've been up for nearly two days, worrying yourself silly,
anxious to know how big the Plan For Living Success is. Let's fix that:
You'll find that the Plan For Living Success is the biggest website ever created,
at least the biggest website from one pair of hands and no auto-generated pages..
Literally thousands of colors just in the food button areas alone, to please, specifically, you.
Now beyond a million splendiferously magnificently interactive and unique pages,
all to help you to help yourself. The biggest website for success shortcuts,
surely the biggest website for health and natural healing information,
and the biggest website for 911day tribute photographs,
the biggest website for Shapelinks, and that's not all!
Yep. The Plan For Living Success is also the world's biggest website,
and hopefully the most exciting and empowering, to include EyeCandy.
Tens of thousands of delicious, unique bits of digital art from MisterShortcut,
your friendly neighborhood Godfather of EyeCandy, deliverer of universal shortcuts.
One pleasingly delicious note here is that you can start on any one of a million pages!
That's right, far more than a million unique pages just to find something to tickle your fancy.
Throwing enough at the wall increases the likelihood that some or more of it will stick. Throw again.
This is YOUR lifetime. It is to your advantage for you to use your most exciting and empowering approaches.
You can have enormous skills and knowledge. They are unproductive until they are used many times for good.
The more times you do something with that high focus, the more times your aim proves to be accurate.
The Plan For Living Success aspires to be the relentless alarm clock for YOUR success.
Striving to be your Biggest website of exciting and empowering interactivity.
Welcome to the Plan For Living Success,
the world's most exciting, empowering, delicious website.
At the bottom of every page in life, like the pages of our lives,
there is a summation of what took place therein. At the Plan For Living Success and Technology Health Route,
the bottom of every page carries the hope for you to realize how thoroughly undervalued you are.
With one hundred and seven million lenses in each eye, billions of computer-like neuroons,
you did not receive a manual, so the Plan For Living Success seeks to fill that position,
boosted by the best health tips of the Plan For Living Success, et alia.
You have so much inside of you, and too many people denying it.
Be one of the people who does not buy into all that nonsense.
You were born with hundreds of millions of cells and pieces.
Your mind is the most magnificent of all extant creations.
Let the bottom of your page show that you woke up,
Let the bottom of your page show that you cared,
that you dreamed, put your dreams in writing,
that you never allowed a day to pass idly,
outside of the occasional rest and relax.
Let the bottom of your page be proud,
filled with learning & earning more,
living and giving more.
It's your page.
Craft and live your Plan For Living Success and Technology Health Route as it best fits your needs.
Large part of the Plan For Living Success mission and the Technology Health Route mission overlap.
Incorporate your most effective shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions,and the long-lived.
Both the Technology Health Route and Plan For Living Success are personal commitments, to yourself.
With all that you need to commit to in life with respect to other people, a portion must be reserved for you,
The more you competently take care of your physical needs of health, etc., and your material needs of wealth, etc.
the better-equipped you are to establish the life and lifestyle most pleasing to you, and, the better-equipped to serve others.
The Plan For Living Success was crafted, produced, & delivered in love of helping people, with superlative shortcuts.
Until these many websites, highly-ranked for hundreds of keyphrases, are sold, the info within them is for YOU.
This sampling of the Plan For Living Success and Technology Health Route is your start, & hugely helpful.
MisterShortcut created thousands of self-empowerment websites for YOUR better health & wealth.
Never accept info from a single source, always looking to those who outperform the rest of us.
In return for this billion-dollar network of information, you must agree to help the helpless.
Click the FREE FOOD buttons, or find helpless people or creatures near you to help out.
If only for selfish reasons alone, use the power of Newton's Third Law of Physics.
It is impossible to save lives every day without Life repaying you enormously.
Your opinion cannot be valued until your experience justifies an opinion.
Save lives every single day and your health and wealth will benefit.
This is one master secret of the universe. Do more, speak less. - Technology Health Route With DoctorShortcut - Best Shortcuts for excellence - Master secrets of the universe for your self-empowerment by the Plan For Living Success and Technology Health Route Lee Iaccoca taught that the greatest salesman/woman is not the guy or gal that makes the sale, for everyone can make a sale. - DoctorShortcut Prescription Of Masters & Champions
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Mr-Shortcut.US - Gorgeous Plan For Living Success Entry to Mr-Shortcut
Shorcuts.US - Misspelled domain AND Shorcuts Are Shorter Shortcuts - After all, is a pathway to sho-rtcuts - Shortcuts From, right?
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Domainists and domainizers (domaineers?) who wish to buy these websites must have many large bags of cash.
1-888-6004-888 is particularly easy for anyone to remember. Just keep the 6004 in mind.
Until these sites are sold, visitors are urged to squeeze every bit of value from these interactive EyeCandy PowerGem pages
Both of these Plan For Living Success domains are websites! - - - Promoting the cause of shortcuts
Shapetalk From Plan For Living Success Shapetalk Collection - Third in the sweet series of Shapetalk websites. Learn these master secrets of the universe by living your own perception of the Plan For Living Success - The Godfather of Shortcuts and EyeCandy invested 180,000,000 preciously irreplaceable seconds to be your Plan For Living Success Shapetalker - Admixture of PowerGems wisdom in Shapetalk EyeCandy, from the Plan For Living Success and Technology Health Route world of Shapetalking - Collection of wisdom-rich Shapetalks. EyeCandy PowerGems presentations that form the Plan For Living Success and Technology Health Route - Another delicious Shapetalking collection, brought to you by the Plan For Living Success, for YOU., because helping people to help themselves, empowering them to empower themselves, CAN be delicious.
Read between the lines of shapetalk, because there is more within shapetalking than the eye may at first gather. Always seek additional meanings and benefits. - Only thirty-six people who most live the Plan For Living Success
The Plan For Living Success is the ultimate in self-empowerment, with the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You
These are the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
and, provably, YOUR shortcuts to succeeding. That's why the Plan For Living Success is here for your life.
Truths Of The Plan For Living Success - Axioms That Produced the Plan For Living Success !
The greatest salesman or saleswoman is the man or woman who gets repeat business... ... delivering more than promised.
Since the Plan For Living Success delivers more than promised, here are some of the extra freebies we want to include.
Every domain or website purchase from the Plan For Living Success - Technology Health Route includes freebies, too.
Buying domains from the Plan For Living Success and Technology Health Route may be your profitable investment.
Living the Plan For Living Success and Technology Health Route will prove to be your greatest life investment.
When you know what your life mission is, the Plan For Living Success and Technology Health Route help.
Whatever your purpose in life is, whatever you determine your assigned mission to be for your lifetime,
turning to the Plan For Living Success within you is certain to increase your probabilities of success.
Knowing where you are going in advance is the most secure approach to ensuring that you arrive.
When we do not know where we are going, are we not likely to end up somewhere else?
The primary mission of the Technology Health Route is comparable to several missions of the Plan For Living Success.
At the core of it all, naturally, is the observation and imitation of those who repeatedly do it better than most of us.
When we duplicate the actions and stances and even the very words of those who are doing it better than we,
we characteristically and even ROUTINELY prove a tendency toward duplicating the best of their results.
Since the Plan For Living Success is predominantly composed of the observed methods and secrets,
the shortcuts and experience of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires, it's the same:
imitating THEIR actions and attitudes, & even their words, also tends to produce similar results.
Thus, the foundations upon which the Technology Health Route and Plan For Living Success stand are similar,
and, considering the power of their respective missions, are foundational principles for YOU to use in missions.
Everyone on earth has a job, a purpose, an assignment, or so we believe. What are YOUR missions here?
The Plan For Living Success asks this questions because knowing where we are going is a big help.
Knowing where we are going (mission) is the best way to make sure we do not end up elsewhere.